Tag Archives: Reconstruction

The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic

Professor Manisha Sinha argues for the “Long Reconstruction” in this video of her discussing her latest book, The Rise and Fall of the Second Republic. The video’s description reads, “Historian Manisha Sinha looked at the Reconstruction Era after the Civil War and argued that the period did not end in 1877, but rather continued through 1920 and the […]

Ulysses Grant – Military Man and President

Here Frank Scaturro and Chris Mackowski discuss Ulysses S. Grant as a soldier and as President of the United States. The video’s description reads, “The White House Historical Association, in this virtual event, hosted a reassessment of President Ulysses Grant’s military service, presidency, and legacy.” https://www.c-span.org/video/?534513-1/ulysses-grant-military-man-president

CWTR Episode 2015: Longstreet: The Confederate General Who Defied the South

This is an excellent discussion between host Professor Gerald Prokopowicz and his guest, Professor Elizabeth Varon about Professor Varon’s biography of James Longstreet.

Creating a Confederate Kentucky: The Lost Cause and Civil War Memory in a Border State

This is a wonderful conversation with Professor Anne Marshall on Kentucky and the Lost Cause lie. This is from the history podcast, “For the Ages.” The episode’s description reads, “Kentucky fought alongside the Union for the entirety of the Civil War, yet in the decades that followed, the state embraced many political and cultural traditions […]

KKK Violence During Reconstruction

This is the first installment of the C-SPAN series, “Congress Investigates” about historically significant investigations the US Congress conducted over the years. The video’s description reads, “In 1871, a joint House-Senate committee investigated conditions in the southern states following a wave of violence against freed slaves and others.” https://www.c-span.org/video/?533776-1/congress-investigates-kkk-violence-reconstruction


Professor Elizabeth Varon discusses James Longstreet in this program at the Atlanta History Center. The video’s description reads, “Author Elizabeth Varon discussed Confederate General James Longstreet, who later embraced Reconstruction and became an outcast in the South. The Atlanta History Center hosted this program.” https://www.c-span.org/video/?531808-1/longstreet

The Forgotten Years of the Civil Rights Movement

In this video Professor Kate Masur, Dylan Pennigroth, and Jeffrey Rosen discuss civil rights cases and issues in the Antebellum years, during the Civil War era, during Reconstruction, and during post-Reconstruction up through the 1950s. The video’s description reads, “Authors Kate Masur and Dylan Penningroth discussed the role of African Americans in the civil rights […]

A Yankee Apology for Reconstruction

This article by Professor David Blight is from the February, 2024 issue of Atlantic. “A2021 study of memorials in America counted 5,917 monuments that memorialize the Civil War. In that total, only 1 percent include the word slavery; Yale’s Civil War Memorial is not among that 1 percent. The memorial stands in one of the busiest corridors […]

How This Escaped Slave Got His Revenge on the Confederacy

This article is from the Winter 2023 issue of America’s Civil War magazine. “In his 33 short years of life, Abraham Galloway impacted the course of American history more than men who lived to be twice his age—beginning with his bold escape from slavery. In the span of just a little more than a decade, […]

Klan War

In this video Fergus Bordewich discusses how President Grant crushed the white supremacist terrorism of the first KKK, made up primarily of former confederate soldiers during Reconstruction. The video’s description reads, “Author Fergus Bordewich discussed President Ulysses Grant’s efforts to dismantle the KKK and other Reconstruction-era white supremist groups. The U.S. Capitol Historical Society hosted […]