Monthly Archives: May 2020

Interview with Adam Domby on The False Cause

This is a terrific interview with Professor Adam Domby, author of The False Cause: Fraud, Fabrication, and White Supremacy in Confederate Memory. Professor Lilly Goren of Carroll University conducted the interview. You can access the podcast here.

TARIFFS and TAXES: The REAL Cause of the CIVIL WAR?!

This video from Atun-Shei Films hilariously skewers the neoconfederate lie that claims tariffs and taxes had anything to do with why the Civil War came about. The video’s description reads, “Checkmate, Lincolnites! Debunking the Lost Cause myth that the American Civil War was fought over taxes and protectionist tariffs. Was the South subjected to disproportionate […]

Becoming Confederates

This book by Professor Gary Gallagher seeks to understand how feelings of confederate nationalism developed by using the views of three men: Robert E. Lee, Jubal A. Early, and Stephen Dodson Ramseur. The grand myth among Civil War “buffs” is the claim that states meant more to people of that time than the nation meant […]

Why Confederates Fought

This is an early book by Professor Aaron Sheehan-Dean. Inevitably, in any argument with neoconfederates you’ll eventually see them claim, “My ancestor didn’t own any slaves, so the war couldn’t have been about slavery.” Professor Sheehan-Dean tells us, “Despite the massive volume of writing on the American Civil War, one of the fundamental questions about […]

Civil War Talk Radio Episode 1631: To the Bitter End: Appomattox, Bennett Place, and the Surrenders of the Confederacy

Here’s a discussion between host Professor Gerald Prokopowicz and guest Bert Dunkerley on the surrenders of the confederacy.

“There was a right side and a wrong side in the late war”

FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS:  In this place, hallowed and made glorious by a statue of the best man, truest patriot, and wisest statesman of his time and country; I have been invited–I might say ordered–by the Lincoln Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, to say a few words to you in appropriate celebration […]

Author, Historian Ed Ayers | A Conversation

Here’s an outstanding discussion with Professor Edward Ayers on history education. The video’s description reads, “If you care about the future of history education, you need to watch this video. With over four decades of experience in history education and numerous awards and accolades (which includes a selection as a Pulitzer Prize finalist and being […]

Why Gods and Generals is Neo-Confederate Propaganda

This video is a takedown of the bad history and bad filmmaking in the movie, Gods and Generals. The video’s description reads, “Like if Ken Burns and Mr. Plinkett had a baby. Gods and Generals (2003) is a four and a half hour long epic from the director of Gettysburg (1993), chronicling the first two years […]

Ulysses S. Grant Birthday Colloquy Featuring General Petraeus and Elizabeth Samet

Here’s an excellent discussion of Ulysses S. Grant between General David Petraeus and Professor Elizabeth Samet, who is the editor of one version of the annotated Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant. It’s far more successful when General Petraeus is paired with a historian. The video’s description reads, “On April 27, 2020 the Grant Monument Association hosted […]

NCWM Lessons in History Speakers Series: Civil War Myths and Mistakes with Historian Garry Adelman

Here’s Garry Adelman giving a presentation on Civil War myths and mistakes at the National Civil War Museum. His lecture is packed full of information, perhaps even too much to keep track of during the talk. The video’s description reads, “Chief Historian Garry Adelman of the American Battlefield Trust presented Civil War Myths and Mistakes […]