Tag Archives: civil-war

CWTR Episode 2020: Brought Forth on this Continent: Abraham Lincoln and American Immigration

This is a conversation between host Professor Gerald Prokopowicz and his guest, Harold Holzer, about Abraham Lincoln’s position on immigration and immigration in the 19th Century, as well as contributions by some immigrants in the Civil War. Professor Prokopowicz opens the episode by telling us, “Nearly 10 million immigrants have upended the demography, culture and […]

CWTR Episode 2019: Klan War: Ulysses S. Grant and the Battle to Save Reconstruction

This is a good discussion between host Professor Gerald Prokopowicz and his guest, Professor Fergus Bordewich, about Ulysses S. Grant’s battle to suppress the Reconstruction KKK, a white supremacist terrorist organization. Professor Prokopowicz opens the episode by telling us, “As listeners to this show already know, the Civil War didn’t end at Appomattox Courthouse. We […]

Gettysburg National Military Park Battle Anniversary Programs

The 161st anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg is July 1, 2, and 3. The National Park Service has released the schedule of events for commemorating the anniversary. [begin quote] The three-day Battle of Gettysburg marked a turning point not only in the course of the American Civil War, but also for the future of […]

Gettysburg National Military Park June Camp Fire Program Schedule

Gettysburg National Military Park posted its June Camp Fire program schedule. [begin quote] 2024 Campfire Programs Rangers present evening campfire talks on a wide variety of topics on the Battle of Gettysburg and the American Civil War. Programs take place at 8:30 pm at the Pitzer Woods Amphitheater, near Auto Tour Stop #6. June Saturday, June 8The Gettysburg Campaign, […]

Gettysburg National Military Park June Battle Walk Schedule

This is the June 2024 schedule for battle walks at the Gettysburg National Military Park. [begin quote]These 2-hour intensive programs examine unique portions of the battlefield, cover significant distances, and cross rough/uneven terrain. It is strongly recommended that visitors bring plenty of water, appropriate seasonal clothing, and sturdy hiking shoes. Please park vehicles with all […]

Gettysburg National Military Park June Ranger Programs

Gettysburg National Military Park has posted their schedule of Ranger Programs for June of 2024. The rangers do a fantastic job. If you’re in the area, I highly recommend going to one of their programs. [begin quote] Ranger Programs: June 8 – July 14 Free Ranger-led hikes, walks, and talks that explore key moments and […]

Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College Day Five

Today was the last day of the 2024 Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College Summer Conference. This was another day of battlefield tours. I was on the “America’s Ways of War and Leadership: Cambridge to Cemetery Ridge” tour with Dr. Ethan Rafuse of the US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. […]

Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College Day Four

Today was a day of battlefield tours. I was on “The Citizens’ War: Sharpsburg and Shepherdstown During the 1862 Maryland Campaign” with Professor Jim Broomall of Shepherd University. We began with some classroom time discussing the effects of war on the civilian population and what the civilians of Shepherdstown and Sharpsburg had to deal with […]

Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College Day Three

Day Three was chock full of Civil War learning. We began with three concurrent sessions. The first I attended was Professor Robert S. Levine of the University of Maryland College Park and “Frederick Douglass, Andrew Johnson, and the Failed Promise of Reconstruction.” He gave us some good excerpts from various Douglass speeches regarding Johnson and […]

Should Pope Be a Punchline?

This article by Professor Gary Gallagher is from the Autumn 2021 issue of Civil War Times magazine. “Many years of speaking about Civil War topics has taught me that some military leaders elicit almost universal scorn. Mentioning them prompts members of audiences to smile, chuckle, and nod knowingly, as if they are in on a joke […]