Tag Archives: virginia

Robert E. Lee Endured a Precipitous Reset in Maryland

This article comes from the Winter 2024 issue of America’s Civil War magazine. “Debate about the importance of the loss of Robert E. Lee’s Special Orders No. 191 to the outcome of the September 1862 Maryland Campaign has long revolved around the response of Union Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan upon reading the document found […]

Slavery to Freedom at Appomattox

Here’s Ranger Ernie Price of the Appomattox Court House National Historic Site telling us about the African American experience in Appomattox in the wake of Robert E. Lee’s surrender to Ulysses S. Grant. The video’s description reads, “Appomattox Courthouse is commonly known as the site of General Lee’s surrender to General Grant and the end […]

“Weary of So Much Suffering”: Letters from the Sheridan Field Hospital

This article by Professor Jonathan Noyalas appeared in the Winter 2024 issue of Civil War Times magazine. “A gloomy and tragic scene—one with which the inhabitants of the oft-contested city of Winchester, Va., were unfortunately all too familiar—unfolded throughout the night of September 19, 1864, as thousands of casualties from the Third Battle of Winchester were brought to […]

“Thou Knowest Not the Time of Thy Visitation”

This article, subtitled, “A Newly Discovered Letter Reveals Robert E. Lee’s Lonely Struggle with Disunion,” is by the late historian, Elizabeth Brown Pryor, and is from the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Volume 119, No. 3, July 2011, pp. 277-296. She writes, “Nine delicate pieces of stationery, covered with the flamboyant script of Robert […]