Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College Day One

Professor Elizabeth Leonard. Photo by Al Mackey

Today was the first day of the 2024 Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College’s summer conference. This is the best five days of a Civil War student’s year. We began with a great lecture from Professor Elizabeth Leonard about Benjamin Butler. Next was Ronald C. White discussing Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. There was not much new in that presentation, and it was the typical hagiography we see. During the Q&A, Mr. White made the patently ridiculous and completely false claim that Ulysses S. Grant said after the war that Robert E. Lee was not a traitor. That soured me on buying his Chamberlain book. The last presentation was from Harold Holzer on Abraham Lincoln and American Immigration. Harold always gives a good presentation. His presentation will be on C-SPAN some time in the future. I am really looking forward to tomorrow’s slate of events.


  1. Shoshana Bee · · Reply

    The thing about Grant is that, well, he had a LOT to say. One need not go much further than his Memoirs to get his opinion on just about anyone or anything (Rosecrans & George Thomas come to mind). If indeed he did make such a declaration about Lee not being a traitor, it seems to me that it would not be hard to produce the primary source stating this fact.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Shoshana. You are absolutely right. I think Mr. White would have to explain Grant’s letter to his father in 1861 where he wrote, “Whatever may have been my political opinions before, I have but one sentiment now. That is, we have a Government, and laws and a flag, and they must all be sustained. There are but two parties now, traitors and patriots and I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter, and I trust, the stronger party. I do not know but you may be placed in an awkward position, and a dangerous one pecuniarily, but costs cannot now be counted. My advice would be to leave where you are if you are not safe with the views you entertain. I would never stultify my opinion for the sake of a little security.”

      1. Shoshana Bee · · Reply

        A fantastic example of example how clearly Grant stated his position, regarding loyalty.

        I just don’t understand how someone as well researched on the subject of US Grant, as Mr. White can make such an outlandish statement.

        1. Absolutely, Shoshana. I think he doesn’t like the idea of Washington & Lee University de-emphasizing Lee and is using his stature to drum up support for his side, without much regard for whether what he’s saying is true or not.

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