More Schools Ban the Confederate Symbols on Campus

Christiansburg High School, in Christiansburg, VA, banned vehicles from displaying confederate symbols on campus [story here]. In order to be able to park on campus, students and parents have to sign a contract with the school, and the ban is part of that contract. The school already bans confederate symbols on clothing.

Kettering Schools in Ohio also banned confederate flags on school property in any circumstances [story here]. They’re also providing diversity training for students and staff. The comments section of the news story has the typical racism you see from confederate flag supporters.


  1. There was an issue here at a high school in Northeast Missouri where students flew the CBF as a protest. The comment section of the story in the news had the usual claims such as the Civil War was not about slavery, the CBF didn’t represent men who fought for slavery, and so on. The lack of historical knowledge presented by the commenters was amazing.

    Of course, as the story unfolded it turned out that the protest was over school policies and the adults who were encouraging the students were doing so for their modern political ideology instead of the past. In fact, the only thing from the past was the CBF. So basically it was another case were people who were too lazy to make a new symbol simply borrowed one and completely ignored the history of the symbol they used.

    1. Of course, as the story unfolded it turned out that the protest was over school policies and the adults who were encouraging the students were doing so for their modern political ideology instead of the past.

      The well-known case of Candice Hardwick was like that. The odious Kirk Lyons and the SCV spent the better part of a decade pursuing that one, even after Hardwick herself had graduated from high school, stole a bunch of guns, and went to prison. But even before filing the lawsuit, and dating back to her time in middle school, the adults around her had been trying for two years to get her suspended from school, solely so they would have an excuse to file a lawsuit. When you know that backstory, it makes it very hard to buy into the line that she’s just a kid who wants to honor her ancestors.

      1. Between neoconfederate idiots and the airheads on “The View” dissing nurses, I feel like we’re surrounded by morons sometimes.

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